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Press Release

Press Release

Seung Wing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. passed the “Research on Comprehensive Recovery Test It

2018-04-13    Times of browsing:    Return list

On December 21, 2015, the “Comprehensive Recovery Test Study on Copper Taishan Copper Tailings Tailings Valuable Components” undertaken by Hubei Shengrong Environmental Protection Company was organized by the Technical Innovation Department of Daye Nonferrous Metals Group Holdings Co., Ltd. in Huangshi, Hubei Province. expert review.

Zhang Xiaonian, the project leader of Shengrong Environmental Protection Company, said that the project has conducted ore research on the properties of ore and valuable metal recovery for the copper tailings. It has used Seonwing's own patented technology—high-efficiency permanent magnet integrated sorting technology. The precious metals in the tailings are pre-dumped for enrichment, and then the enriched fractions are sorted. The tailing amount reaches about 60%, and the technical indicators are good.

The experts agreed that the research technology can significantly reduce the cost of valuable metal recovery and production in copper tailings, and the valuable components such as Cu, S, and Mo are effectively enriched and can be used as raw materials to return to the original concentrator for production. Technical Projects The implementation provides a practical and economical application solution for the application of copper tailings slag
